Container based on debian 11 with tools to compile and correct projects from @42lausanne school.
Feel free to open PR/Issue :)
- build-essential & gdb/lldb
- man pages
- vim
- valgrind
- norminette
Container lauch in rootless mode, with the uid 1000 (username: 42
The 42 user's home is in /42-user/
, feel free to mount your config files in this directory (read-only mode is recommended).
Actual workdir is set as /project
, you can mount your project directory in this one.
To launch the container, you can run the following command :
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/project -v ~/.vimrc:/42-user/.vimrc:ro -v ~/.vim/:/42-user/.vim:ro ycornamusaz/42-tools
This will mount your current directory into /project and also link your vim configuration files.
You can add the following line to your .bashrc/.zshrc configuration file to be able to launch the container with the command 42tools
alias 42tools="docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/project -v ~/.vimrc:/42-user/.vimrc:ro -v ~/.vim/:/42-user/.vim:ro ycornamusaz/42-tools"
- Cleaner Dockerfile
- Github action pipeline triggered by webhooks on norminette & debian container base update
- ...