Analytical Object WYSIWYG
Just require the package using bower:
bower install iisg/analytical-object-wysiwyg --save
1st step: Require the AnalyticalObjectWysiwyg
in your main module.
2nd step: Set up object formatting during configuration phase:
app.config((TaggableObjectQuillFormatProvider) ->
TaggableObjectQuillFormatProvider.on('search', ->
(text) ->
id: 0
label: text
You can use promises as well:
app.config((TaggableObjectQuillFormatProvider) ->
TaggableObjectQuillFormatProvider.on('search', ['$q', ($q) ->
(text) ->
promise = $q.defer()
onMyEvent.then((object) ->
return promise.promise
3rd step: Add <analytical-object-wysiwyg ng-model="document">
to your template.
4th step: Profit.
Available events
You can add your own services for these events:
- fired when a object formatting button is clicked, should return a promise that resolves into the object (or the object itself) you want to add to the textnode.add
- fired when node is being added to the text, after DOM element creation, before adding to text, you can format the node according to values in the object (resolved insearch
- fired when node is being removed from the document (i.e. when text being decorated is removed completely), you need to remove every attribute you have added to the node duringnode.add
- fired when node value is fetched (i.e. when you copy tagged text), needs to return a value for the tagged object that can be used to create new object from scratch
Available directive options
- set to true to load toolbar<analytical-object-wysiwyg ng-model="document" toolbar="true">
- set to true to force editor to be read-only<analytical-object-wysiwyg ng-model="document" read-only="true">
(REQUIRED) - your model to handle data
By default editor comes with predefined template. You can easily override it using $provide
Angular service:
app.config(['$provide', ($provide) ->
$provide.decorator('analyticalObjectWysiwygDirective', ($delegate) ->
$delegate[0].templateUrl = 'path/to/your/template.html'
return $delegate