
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Express - Webpack - Electron

Express and Webpack with ES6+ babel transpilation, ESLint linting, Hot Module Reloading, and Jest test framework enabled.

Expack has two build modes: Development and Production.

When you run npm run buildDev, Javascript, HTML, and CSS files are unminified and not uglified, meaning that you can easily inspect them in Chrome Dev Tools. Hot Module Reloading is enabled via webpack-dev-middleware and webpack-hot-middleware.

When you run npm run buildProd, Javascript, HTML, and CSS files are all minified and uglified, and images are encoded as Base64 directly into your CSS file, which results in less calls to the server for image files.

Installation & Usage

npm install

npm run buildDev        // for development
    // OR
npm run buildProd

npm start               // navigate to localhost:8080 for local dev

Docker stop all container

Clear the container at port 3000

docker ps -a            // find PID at port 3000

docker kill PID