
Neo4j WebSocket backend for Apache Shindig

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

                      Neo4j WebSocket backend for Apache Shindig

  What is it?

  The client part of an Apache Shindig Backend using a Neo4j Websocket Server
  with custom server side routines.

  System Requirements

    1.7 or above.

  Apache Shindig:

  Neo4j WebSocket common resources for Apache Shindig:

  Neo4j WebSocket common resources:

  Neo4j WebSocket Client:

  Neo4j WebSocket Server with Apache Shindig WebSocket Server Routines:

  Apache Maven (for building)

  Installing Neo4j WebSocket backend for Apache Shindig

  For an installation instructions for the Neo4j WebSocket Client and Neo4j
  WebSocket common resources, see the client's documentation.

  The client's sources can be found at
  and can be downloaded using git by executing
  'git clone https://github.com/iisys-hof/neo4j-websocket-client.git'.
  Its README file contains installation instructions for the common library.

  Installing to local Maven repository:

    1. Download the source code of "shindig-websocket-common" and extract it
      The projects's sources can be found at
      and can be downloaded using git by executing
      'git clone https://github.com/iisys-hof/shindig-websocket-common.git'.

    2. Open a terminal and enter the root directory containing the file pom.xml

    3. execute 'mvn install'

    4. Download the source code of "shindig-websocket-client" and extract it

    5. Open a terminal and enter the root directory containing the file pom.xml

    6. execute 'mvn install'

  Alternatively, you can use precompiled jars.


    For the WebSocket backend to work, you will need a running instance of
    Neo4j WebSocket Server with Apache Shindig WebSocket Server Routines.

    The server's sources can be found at
    and can be downloaded using git by executing
    'git clone https://github.com/iisys-hof/neo4j-websocket-server.git'.
    In the server's root source directory you will find a file called 'README'
    explaining how to build it, set it up and configure it.

    The Java server routines for Apache Shindig ca be found at
    and can be downloaded using git by executing
    'git clone https://github.com/iisys-hof/shindig-websocket-serverroutines.git'.
    In the projects's root source directory you will find a file called 'README'
    explaining how to build it and add these server routines to the server you
    set up.

  Installing and configuring for Apache Shindig deployment:

    1. Extract an Apache Shindig war file

    2. Copy the WebSocket backend jar and all its dependencies into the folder
      "WEB-INF/lib/". Pay attention to duplicate libraries.

      If you don't know how to collect the library jars, there is a section
      in the file "pom.xml" started by "uncomment to generate library
      directory". If you uncomment it and run a build ("mvn install" for
      example), there will be an additional "lib/" directory in the "target"
      directory. (Eclipse may show an error after doing this, but it will work
      with maven).

    3. Open the file "WEB-INF/web.xml"

    4. Find the section "<context-param>

    5. (optional) for extended functionality, i.e. graph specific requests,
      user creation, friendship handling and extended organization model
      replace "org.apache.shindig.social.core.config.SocialApiGuiceModule"
      with "org.apache.shindig.social.websockbackend.GraphAPIModule"

    6. replace "org.apache.shindig.social.sample.SampleModule"
      with "org.apache.shindig.social.websockbackend.GuiceModule"

    7. Get a copy of the file "websocket-backend.properties" and open it with a
      WYSIWYG editor. If you can't locate the file, there is a copy in the
      folder "src/main/resources/" of the sources.

    8. Configure according to the next section called
      "websocket-backend.properties" and put the file in Shindig's
      "WEB-INF/classes" directory.

    9. Repackage Shindig's war file and deploy it.


    websocket.uri0 - primary WebSocket URI, should point to the Neo4j WebSocket
                    Server you prepared

    websocket.uri{n} - (optional) additional WebSocket URIs in case you set up
                      a server cluster

    websocket.connections - number of connections per server; more connections
                            to a server can improve performance in scenarios
                            with many parallel requests

    websocket.format - format to send and receive data in; this should match
                      your server's configuration

    websocket.compression - whether to use compression for the connection;
                          this should match your server's configuration

    websocket.auth.user - (optional) user name to use for authentication
                         only if the websocket server requires it

    websocket.auth.password - (optional) password to use for authentication
                             only if the websocket server requires it
                             can be either plain or hashed - for instructions
                             on how to hash a password, see the documentation
                             for 'neo4j-websocket-client'

    websocket.auth.password.hashed - (optional) whether the password provided
                                    is already hashed or not

    people.profileurl - (optional) needed for automatic profile URL generation,
                        ${ID} will be replaced by the user's ID

    people.infourl - (optional) needed for automatic JSON profile URL
                    generation, ${ID} will be replaced by the user's ID

    The other properties are used by components that have not yet been
    implemented for the WebSocket-based backend.

  Using Neo4j Neo4j WebSocket backend for Apache Shindig

  Maven dependencies:



  Shindig's default OpenSocial services will work as specified.
  However, the deprecated ActivityService is not included.
  The client will connect to your server on Shindig's initialization.

  Extended functionality:

    If you enabled extended functionality, the following functionalities will
    be available.

    Extended person/organization model

      The following additional properties will be available for people's

      - managerId - (String) - the person's manager's ID

      - secretaryId - (String) - the person's secretary's ID

      - department - (String) - the person's department

      - departmentHead - (boolean) - whether the person is head of department

      - orgUnit - (String) - name of the person's organizational unit

      - location - (String) - location of the person in the company (i.e. room)

    Person service:

      The following additional API functions will be available among the
      existing ones:

        get - (modified) by supplying "@friendrequests" as the group ID you can
              see who sent you a friend request - returns a list of people

        create - (new) enables you to either create a person (default, returns
                the person)
                or request/confirm a friendship by supplying "@friends" as the
                group ID (returns nothing)
                takes a person object as a parameter (new person or the target)

        delete - (new) enables you to either delete/deactivate a person
                (default, no actual function yet)
                or deny/terminate a friendship by supplying "@friends" as the
                group ID

      Furthermore you will be able to filter people by all their fields by
      filtering by the field "@all".

    User/Graph service (name: "user"):

      This new service offers basic graph-based and user-centric

        getAll - returns a list of all available/visible people
          REST path:
          additional features:
          	filtering by "@all" fill search all of a person's fields
          	filtering by "@skills" will search for people with matchings skills

        getFof - returns a list of friends of friends up to a certain depth
          REST path:

            "depth" - how deep to traverse friendships (default: 2 (hops))
            "unknown" - whether to only return people the user is not yet
                        friends with (default: true)

        getSFriend - returns a list of friend suggestions
          REST path:

            "minFriends" - how many friends the suggested people need to have
                          in common with you

        getSGroup - returns a list of group suggestions
          REST path:

            "minFriends" - how many friends need to be in the suggested groups

        getSPath - returns the shortest path defined by friendships between the
                  user and another person (list of people)
          REST path:

            "targetId" - who to return the shortest path to

    Skill management service (name: "skills"):

      This new service offers basic skill management functionalities:

        getSkills - returns skills linked to a person and the people who linked
                   them to that person
          REST path (GET):

        addSkill - links a skill to the specified person in the name of the
            current viewer
          REST path (POST):

            "skill" - name of the skill to link to the person

        removeSkill - removes a link to a skill from the specified person in
            the name of the current viewer
          REST path (DELETE):

            "skill" - name of the skill to link to the person

    Autocompletion service (name: "autocomplete"):

      This new service offers autocompletion for text fragments:

        getSkillAutocomp - returns an autocompletion attempt for a given text
                          fragment or all skills
          REST path:

            "fragment" - optional text fragment to autocomplete

    Organization service (name: "organization"):

      This new service offers information about organizations and their

        getHierarchyPath - returns the hierarchical path between two people
          REST path:

            "targetId" - who to return the hierarchical path to

	Event system:

	  An system is included which fires events over a central event bus.
	  You can register an "IEventListener" by having the "ShindigEventBus"
	  injected into your implementation via Google Guice.
	  An IShindigEvent contains the handled object, an ActivityEntry for
	  example, as its payload and may contain additional metadata.
	  A list of all event types is availabe in "ShindigEventType".
	  Currently supported events:
	  	person/profile created/updated/deleted
	  	activity entry created/updated/deleted
	  	message created/updated/deleted

  Known Issues

  Newer versions of Apache Tomcat have their own WebSockets library which
  conflicts with a library included as Tyrus' dependecy. This causes the server
  to throw an Exception saying "... not a subclass of ...". For these Tomcat
  versions (tested with Tomcat 7.0.50) this can be fixed by removing the file
  '${CONTEXT}/WEB-INF/lib/javax.websocket-api-1.0.jar'. However, this file is
  needed for earlier Tomcat versions (probably below 7.0.42).

  Furthermore, when all Tyrus libraries are deleted, the connector will
  automatically use Tomcat's WebSocket libraries. But during our tests
  connections to the WebSocket server have been unstable. The connection is
  possibly terminated if unused for a certain amount of time which is not being
  properly detected yet.

  Missing features

  A rudimentary Cypher-based implementation of the services is also included
  which would eliminate the need for server-side Java procedures. It is,
  however, far from complete and not fully tested and thus deactivated.
  The source files are located in the package