
Rover NUC Arm, Drive and LED Codes

Primary LanguagePython

Documentation for On-Rover Setup

Setting up the NUC

Install Ubuntu (username: rover, hostname: MRT-NUC), Open-SSH, Git, ROS-Noetic and Alias python3 as python

Setting up SSH

  • Connect the NUC via wired network (LAN) to the Router
  • Setup the IP Address as and Netmask as
  • Add it to /etc/hosts file for hostname resolution (required for ROS setup)
  • Add the IP Address of base station as well (for example: iitbmartian-H310M-S2)
  • Reboot the NUC

Creating Workspace

  • Create a new directory rover_ws, create directory src, and run catkin_make
  • Git pull rover-mobility in src, and catkin_make

Roboclaws Setup

Roboclaw Documentation

All 6 roboclaws are to be setup in packet serial modes.

Locking the Roboclaws

  • After powering on all the roboclaws and connecting to the NUC, use cd /dev to move into the dev directory and use ls -ll to display all the plugged in connections. Ensure there exists 6 /ttyACM* connections. (* - 0 to 5)
  • To find the devpath for each roboclaw, use
    udevadm info -a -n /dev/ttyACM* | grep '{devpath}'
    (do it for all * - 0 to 5)
  • Make a .rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d starting with numbers above 50 (eg 72-<filename>.rules)
  • The six Roboclaws are to be given the following SYMLINK names:
    Fdrive, Bdrive, Cdrive, shoulder_elbow_actuators, base_finger_motors, wrist_rotation_motors
  • Current rules files is as shown, and modify parameters accordingly

ACTION=="add", ATTRS{product}=="USB Roboclaw 2x45A" ,ATTRS{devpath}=="1.1" ,SYMLINK+="shoulder_elbow_actuators", OWNER="rover", GROUP="rover"
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{product}=="USB Roboclaw 2x45A" ,ATTRS{devpath}=="1.2" ,SYMLINK+="base_finger_motors", OWNER="rover", GROUP="rover"
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{product}=="USB Roboclaw 2x45A" ,ATTRS{devpath}=="1.3" ,SYMLINK+="wrist_rotation_motors", OWNER="rover", GROUP="rover"
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{product}=="USB Roboclaw 2x45A" ,ATTRS{devpath}=="2.1" ,SYMLINK+="Fdrive", OWNER="rover", GROUP="rover"
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{product}=="USB Roboclaw 2x45A" ,ATTRS{devpath}=="2.3" ,SYMLINK+="Bdrive", OWNER="rover", GROUP="rover"

  • Change devpath/product etc to get your device running. Don't forget to sudo udev restart after publishing new rules for a device

Description of the packages

Name of Package Description Subscribed rostopics Published rostopics
rover_drive Drive Package: Running RoboClaws Fdrive, Bdrive, Cdrive /rover/drive_directives/manual /rover/drive_directives/autonomous /rover/drive_directives /rover/drive_directives
rover_arm Arm Package: Running RoboClaws shoulder_elbow_actuators, base_finger_motors, wrist_rotation_motors /rover/arm_directives -
rover_light For LED Lights /rover/drive_directives /rover/tasks_status /rover/light /rover/light
rover_measure Measuring voltage and current supply - /rover/measure

rover_msg contains the custom ROS message types arm_msg and drive_msg