
Generate forms from a JSON schema, with AngularJS!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular Schema Form

Build Status Coverage Status Bower version

Generate forms from a JSON schema, with AngularJS!

...where you can edit the schema or the form definition and see what comes out!

What is it?

Schema Form is a set of AngularJS directives (and a couple of services..) that can create a form directly from a json schema definition and also validate against that schema. The defaults may be fine for a lot cases, but you can also customize it, changing order and type of fields.

Schema Form is inspired by the nice JSON Form library and aims to be roughly compatible with it, especially it's form defintion. What sets Schema Form apart from JSON Form is that Schema Form aims to be deeply integrated with AngularJS, i.e. to use the standard AngularJS way of handling forms. It also uses tv4 for validation which means its compatible with version 4 of the json schema standard. Schema Form, as a default, generates bootstrap 3 friendly HTML.

Basic Usage

<form sf-schema="schema" sf-form="form" sf-model="data"></form>
function FormController($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      name: { type: "string", minLength: 2, title: "Name", description: "Name or alias" },
      title: {
        type: "string",
        enum: ['dr','jr','sir','mrs','mr','NaN','dj']

  $scope.form = [
      type: "submit",
      title: "Save"

  $scope.data = {};


Documentation covering defaults and form types can be found here.


Simplest way is by using bower since it will also download any dependencies.

bower install angular-schema-form

(or just download the contents of the dist/ folder and add dependencies manually)

It depends on AngularJS (duh!), angular-sanitize, bootstrap 3, tv4, and if you like to use the date picker you also need jQuery and pickadate.js. Also if you use the help type to inject HTML you'll want to use ngSanitize as well.

If you like to have drag and drop reordering of arrays you also need ui-sortable and its dependencies jQueryUI, see ui-sortable documentation for details of what parts of jQueryUI that is needed. You can safely ignore these if you don't need the reordering.

Tabbed arrays, form type tabarray, defaults to tabs on the left side. For these to work you also need to include the css from bootstrap-vertical-tabs. It is not needed for tabs on top, the tabType: "top" option.

The minified files also includes all templates so they are all you need.


Currently there is only one addon, a date picker using the excellent pickadate.js.

See the docs for usage.


The files in the dist plus dependencies are all you need to use Schema Form, but if you like to build it yourself we use gulp.

First off you need to have nodejs installed. Then install all dev dependencies of the project with npm, install gulp and run the default task.

$ npm install
$ sudo npm install -g gulp
$ gulp

The default task uses gulp-angular-templatecache to compile all html templates to js and then concatenates and minifies them with the rest of the sources.

You can also run gulp watch to have it rebuild on change.


Unit tests are run with karma and written using mocha, chai and sinon

To run the tests first install all dependencies with npm (if you haven't done it already) and install the karma cli to run the test.

$ npm install
$ sudo npm install -g karma-cli
$ karma start karma.conf.js


All contributions are welcome! We're trying to use git flow so please base any merge request on the development branch instead of master.