
Build a Tribute Page using HTML/CSS

A tribute page is basically an overview of someone whom we admire in our life. In this article, we are creating a tribute webpage of LateDr. Norman Borlaug (The man who saved a billion lives) using HTML and CSS. We will add an image of him at the center (below the title) and create a box beneath that image. Inside that box, we will write a few of his achievements and details. We will use div tag and p tag to write the details and img tag for image. Then using CSS, we will align and beautify the design.


In the element, we will give the title of the page using h1 tag after that we will add an image of him in the img tag with some caption. We will create another div tag and write all the contents (using p tags). We have also given ID for each tag so that we can beautify the design using respective-ID in the CSS file. In the CSS section we have basically maintained a central design and used box-shadow to create box effect around the main content.