
Development Tools


2019.4.20f1 - Download via Unity Hub

  • unityhub://2019.4.20f1/6dd1c08eedfa (Paste this link in browser)
    • For Linux, workarounds are needed:
  • Include Android Build Support
  • Exclude Visual Studio Community if already installed


Canvas Scaler

  • Set to Scale with Screen Size
  • Reference Resolution should be 2340x1080 (based on this latest poll)
  • Add and set the Game Window resolution to also 2340x1080.
  • Rect Transform: Set Anchor Points of objects to where it should hook. Set Stretch mode to how you want to stretch the object based on different screen sizes (horizontal stretch only, vertical stretch only, or both).


Background has a BG prefab that includes cloud animations.

Scene Loader & Back Button

  • Add a Scene Loader prefab to each scene. Then hide it in the editor to be able to see the actual scene. Scene Loader should be placed as the bottom-most layer to make the scene transitions visible.
  • BtnBack for back button. Then, set the Click event on the button to the SceneLoader.GoBack() method.