
Primary LanguageTypeScript

InSync CRM Apis


InSnync CRM API's is developed with Adonisjs and mysql.


1. Production

==> Branch Name: main

==> Domain Name: main.insync-crm-api.com

2. Development

==> Branch Name: develop

==> Domain Name: develop.insync-crm-api.com

How to Install

  1. Clone repository

    git clone https://github.com/abendsoft/insync-crm-api.git
    cd insync-crm-api
    yarn install
  2. Create a new .env file for the backend and generate a new APP_KEY. Copy the output and paste it into the .env file at the end of the line for APP_KEY.

    cp .env.example .env
    node ace generate:key #Generates new APP_KEY
  3. Within the .env file, configure the MYSQL* variables to suit your environment setup.

  4. launch start development server.

    yarn dev
  5. You won't be able to login because there are no users. So, it is time to seed the database.

  6. To prepare (seed) the database with mock data:

    1. First, let's migrate the database.

      node ace migration:run
    2. Next, Let's seed important tables on the database. Run the index seeder command below to run all configured seeders for the application and fully setup it up in one command:

      node ace db:seed --files="database/seeders/MainSeeder/Index.ts"

      If you are on Windows and having errors, you can run:

      node ace db:seed --files="database\seeders\MainSeeder\Index.ts"

      Please note that this operation could take a couple of minutes.

  7. After running the index seeder, all users generated will be logged to file. Check the file: database/data/seeded_users.txt and take note of the user credentials logged to the file.

  8. Get an email and password of a user and log in.

  9. Congratulations. You have successfully set up the InSync.


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