
O2System is a new Dynamic Open Source PHP Framework by Circle Creative, based on CodeIgniter by EllisLab, Inc

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to O2System

O2System is an Applications Development Framework, to build a web sites or web-based applications using PHP as the programming language. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries, if you previously had been using CodeIgniter Framework would be very easy to switch to O2System Framework. O2System lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.

Who is O2System For?

If you want to build a site that is equipped with multiple web-based applications or you want to build multiple web-based applications and integrated with each other, then O2System Framework is right for you.

History of O2System

In 2009 O2System is a closed source PHP Framework is intended to build O2CMS (Website Content Management System) but the project was discontinued in 2011, which later in 2012 became the third party HMVC for CodeIgniter Framework, but not distributed and still a closed source. In 2014, the directors of PT. Rim Creative (Creative Circle) finally decided to redevelop O2System to became an Open Source PHP Framework and no longer as a third party of CodeIgniter Framework.

Good News For CodeIgniter Framework Users

We understand that switch to the new PHP Framework is very painful, require new adaptations, read many documentations and tutorials, and the biggest problem is if we have had a lot of source code that still we want to use, especially code that we have made over the CodeIgniter Framework. In O2System Framework your existing source code can be easily integrated, with a few changes off course but very easy. Basically O2System Framework use the same syntax with CodeIgniter Framework, and came with a lot off new features that would be very helpful for your project.

The Difference from CodeIgniter Framework

  1. CodeIgniter Framework built with the basic concepts as the Framework MVC (Model-View-Controller) while O2System built with the basic concepts as HMVC Framework (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) and the concept of Modular.
  2. CodeIgniter Framework is designed to be used to build an application only while O2System designed to used to build multi-applications that can be interconnected in a single Core System.
  3. CodeIgniter Framework Namespace not use while O2System already using namespace.
  4. not to use CodeIgniter Framework Autoload Autoload while O2System already use the concept PSR-0, even in O2System you can better define their own namespace for each application, module, component, plugins or widgets.
  5. CodeIgniter does not have a registry structure while O2System registry structure used as the basis of the system Autoloader O2System.
  6. CodeIgniter only the Template Parser while O2System has Template Engine Driver that can be Template Engine easily integrated with other like: Smarty Template Engine, Dwoo Template Engine and Twig Template Engine (coming soon: Blade and Mustache Template Engine Template Engine) which you easily install in O2System Framework using Composer and after you install your can immediately use only by doing template configuration settings, without having to bother to create additional libraries. The O2System Framework default Template Parser is Lex Parser from Pyro CMS and also already equipped with Markdown Parser and Shortcodes Parser (WordPress Shortcodes Like).


If you want to have the convenience of CodeIgniter Framework and also Laravel Framework advantages, O2System Framework is a framework that is appropriate for you.