
Custom React hook to calculate text read time.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React Hook to estimate read time for a provided text.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install --save use-read-time


import { useReadTime } from "use-read-time";

const ExampleMinuteNumber = () => {
  const { readTime } = useReadTime({
    text: "Hello book with all but long paragraphs.",

  console.log("ExampleMinuteNumber :: readTime", readTime); // 1

  return <h1>🤓 🔢</h1>;
import { useReadTime } from "use-read-time";

const ExampleReadTimeLabel = () => {
  const { readTimeLabel } = useReadTime({
    text: "Hello book with all but long paragraphs.",

  console.log("ExampleReadTimeLabel :: readTime", readTime); // Around 1 minute.

  return <h1>🤓 🏷️</h1>;
import { useReadTime } from "use-read-time";

const ExampleReadTimeInfo = () => {
  const { readTimeLabel } = useReadTime({
    text: "Hello book with all but long paragraphs.",

  console.log("ExampleReadTimeInfo :: readTimeInfo", readTimeInfo); // 1 min read

  return <h1>🤓 🗣</h1>;


Field Type Description Required Default
text String Text to calculate the amount of reading minutes for. yes
speed Enum fast (240 wpm), normal (180 wpm), slow (100 wpm) - indicating the reading speed. no
wpm Int Number representing the word per minute to calculate the estimate time to read. no 180


MIT © @ScottAgirs


Package by @ScottAgirs.

This hook is created using create-react-hook.