
"Parcel" assembly for automating work processes in the projects development.

Primary LanguageSCSS


"Parcel" template

html css scss javascript parcel


Parcel assembly for automating work processes
in the projects development.

Thanks to help of the gulp-gh-pages module,
you can publish content from the dist folder to GitHub-pages



  • npm start - start the project in development mode and local server
  • npm run build - assemble the project in production mode
  • npm run watch - The watch command is similar to start, but does not start a dev server (only a HMR server).
  • npm run clear - remove directory dist and cache
  • npm run deploy - deployment to gh-pages

Use npm commands for install node modules:

  • npm i - install this parcel template
  • npm i parcel -D - a module for building parcel assembly
  • npm i gh-pages -D - Publish the dist directory to the gh-pages on GitHub
