
Example on how to use complex domain using golang and pgx

Primary LanguageGo

The following code helps me to understand how to use complex domain in PostgreSQL using pgx v5.

In this case I used an array of another domain:

CREATE DOMAIN public.http_client_error_code AS smallint
	CONSTRAINT http_client_error_code_check CHECK (VALUE = 0 OR VALUE >= 400 AND VALUE <= 499);

The above domain is a simple integer with a constraint.

CREATE DOMAIN public.http_client_error_code_list AS http_client_error_code[];

The above domain is an array of the first domain (http_client_error_code).

When trying to scan or assign it using pgx an error will be raised:

panic: failed to encode args[0]: unable to encode main.HTTPClientErrorCodeList{400} into text format for unknown type (OID 32783): cannot find encode plan

The issue is that pgx does not understand how to convert the slice into http_client_error_code_list.

By telling pgx to look for that domain (and given OID), it know how to scan and value the Go's data type.