# HelpDesk Application
Run these commands to try it out.
bundle cp config/application.example.yml config/application.yml rake db:setup rails s
Requires Ruby 2.0 or later to run.
# App Features:
As a Visitor (no user model needed), I want to create a new ticket on the web site so that I can report my problems.
As a support agent (you?), I want to be notified with an email whenever a new ticket is created so that I don’t need to access the site to see new tickets.
As a support agent, I want to respond to new tickets by replying to the email
so that I can work without leaving my inbox.
As a Visitor, I want to see the support agent’s reply on the web site
so that I know someone is actually listening to my problems.
This app has live email sending and inbound-processing capabilities using Postmark addon.