
WeeChat script to pass highlights and private messages to the OS X 10.8+ Notification Center

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

WeeChat Notification Center

WeeChat script to pass highlights and private messages to the OS X 10.8+ Notification Center.


Script center

  • Install pync: pip install pync
  • In WeeChat, type /script to open the script manager
  • Find notification_center and type i then Enter to install


  • Install pync: pip install pync
  • Copy or symlink notification_center.py into ~/.weechat/python/autoload/


  • show_highlights, defaults to on, valid values are on and off.
  • show_private_message, defaults to on, valid values are on and off.
  • show_message_text, defaults to on, valid values are on and off.
  • sound, defaults to off, valid values are on and off.
  • sound_name, defaults to Pong, valid values as of OS X 10.11 are Basso, Blow, Bottle, Frog, Funk, Glass, Hero, Morse, Ping, Pop, Purr, Sosumi, Submarine, Tink, but can really be anything that has an aptly named sound file in /System/Library/Sounds/, /Library/Sounds/, or ~/Library/Sounds/.


MIT © Sindre Sorhus