
Kuroi makes your screen go completely black. Handy for watching movies with Continuum for phones!

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Kuroi makes your screen go completely black. Handy for watching movies with Continuum for phones! This project was made in a time when 14393 ruled supreme and there was no option build in Windows 10 Mobile that made the screen of your phone go black after a while. However, the Creators Update (15063) added such a feature, rendering this app obsolete.

Get the app

This project was never released in the Microsoft Store, so the only way to get the app is by cloning this repository and build it yourself. All you'll need to build is:

  • Visual Studio
  • UWP SDK of anything from or above version 14393
  • this repository.

Supported Windows versions

Minimal suppored version: 14393 (Anniversary Update)

Target version: 14393 (Anniversary Update)

Currently supported systems: The app was designed to be used with Windows 10 Mobile only, but being an UWP, it could possibly be used on Desktop as well (with all the potential usefullness you would expect from an app that just displays a black window).

  • Windows 10 Desktop ❌
  • Windows 10 Mobile ✔
  • Windows 10 Team ❌
  • Windows 10 Holographic ❌
  • Windows 10 Xbox ❌

Support me

Like this project? Buy me a coffee: https://paypal.me/ikarago