
WebSocket client for nodemcu, esp8266 on Lua

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

WebSocket Client for NodeMCU and ESP8266 on Lua

Lightweight WebSocket Client, main class takes 12kb of heap, works stability

Firmware modules dependencies

  • bit
  • crypto
  • file
  • net
  • node
  • tmr
  • wifi

How to start?

You can take my firmware which I used for developing.

Set your SSID and PASSWORD in ws_client/init.lua and copy all files from the directory ws_client. All available configuration of client you can find in init.lua


    print("Loading ws sources takes "..(st - node.heap()).." bytes")

    -- configure ws client
    local ws_client = websocket.createClient()

    -- on established connection, after handshacking - good point to introduce your self
    ws_client.on_connected = function (client, data)
        print("Sending board metadata")
        client:send('{"NodeMCU": {"metadata": "bla-bla"}}')

    -- you can ping server and process on pong
    ws_client.on_pong = function (client, data)
        print("PONG! data"..tostring(data))

    -- receiving messages after connection
    ws_client.on_receive = function (client, data)
        print("RECEIVED, data "..tostring(data).."!")
        if data=="Go-go-go" then
            client:send('{"data": "value"}')

    -- catch event of closing - good point to reconnect
    ws_client.on_close = function (client, data)
        print("CLOSE, socket: "..tostring(client.socket)..", data "..tostring(data).."!")
        tmr.delay(5000000)      -- delay a little bit before reconnecting

    -- to start connection you need just to set full url, client take care about its parsing

Special thanks