
Repository consists of two parts:

Quick run demo of Yii2 Rest Template with OAuth2 server

  1. Make sure that you have installed Docker Compose, if not - go to https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
  2. Clone this repo.
  3. Go to cd <directory with cloned repo>/api/
  4. Run command docker-compose up and wait message in the logs stream code_1 | ==== API READY FOR REQUESTS ====
  5. Add to /etc/hosts following record api.loc (if you're using Boot2docker you need to replace ip with it one. boot2docker ip will tell you its address)

You may get flaxibility to develop (change code in real time, saving db state between starts, replace diffent version php-fpm, apache, nginx and dbms) by reading documentation about (Docker)[https://docs.docker.com/]

ATTENTION: don't use it solution AS IS in production. It was built for quick demonstate work of Yii2 Rest Template with OAuth2 server

Docker image yii2-oauth2-rest-code

This image has already configured ikaras/yii2-oauth2-rest-template code with all needed php extensions, db connection and migration. On each running will be execute update template's and vendor's code, applying migrations