
Zabbix AWS monitoring template

Primary LanguageGo

About "ZAWS"

Zabbix AWS monitoring template This template is supported over Zabbix 3.0.


  • EC2 monitoring
    • Automatically registration EC2 instances information by using Zabbix LLD host prototype.
    • Automatically registration EC2 CloudWatch metrics information by using Zabbix LLD item prototype.
  • ELB monitoring
    • Automatically registration ELB instances information by using Zabbix LLD host prototype.
    • Automatically registration ELB CloudWatch metrics information by using Zabbix LLD item prototype.


  • Zabbix >= 3.0

Installation & Setting

1. Download

Download zaws command line tool and Zabbix template xml file.

Please get the binary file that is appropriate for your environment architecture.

binary file url

template xml file url

2. Copy to Externalscripts directory

Please copy command line tool file to your zabbix servers externalscripts directory.

for example:

$ cp zaws-linux-amd64 /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/zaws

3. Import zabbix template xml file


Please import "zaws_zabbix_template.xml"

4. Register host

[Configuration]->[Hosts]->[Create host]

  • Host name: any
  • Groups: any
  • Agent interfaces: any (not used in this tool)
  • Templates: Template AWS
  • Macros: please set 3 macro
    • {$REGION}: Please set AWS region name (e.g. ap-northeast-1)
    • {$KEY}: Please set AWS ACCESS KEY ID (e.g. AKI........)


Please send feedback to me.

Daisuke IKEDA

Twitter: @ike_dai

e-mail: dai.ikd123@gmail.com


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The Apache v2 full text is published at this link.

Copyright 2016 Daisuke IKEDA.