About Token Middleware

This is a laravel package for validating URLs with OTPs.

  • Change Token
  • Require token middleware
  • Notifications
    • Token change notification


  • PHP 8+
  • Laravel 9+

Steps To Install

  • composer require ikechukwukalu/tokenmiddleware
  • You will need a queue worker for the notifications. For a quick start set QUEUE_CONNECTION=database within your .env file.
  • Run php artisan queue:table, php artisan migrate and php artisan queue:work --queue=high,default
  • Add token column to the fillable and hidden arrays within the User model class
  • Add 'require.token' => \Ikechukwukalu\Sanctumauthstarter\Middleware\RequireToken::class to the $routeMiddleware in kernel.php
  • Run php artisan serve


It's recommended that you run the tests before you start adding your models and controllers. Make sure to keep your database/factories/UserFactory.php Class updated with your users table so that the Tests can continue to run successfully.


  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tm-feature-tests
  • php artisan serve
  • php artisan test

Reserved keywords for payloads

  • _uuid
  • _token
  • expires
  • signature

Some of the reserved keywords can be changed from the config file.


To generate documentation:

  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=scribe-config
  • php artisan scribe:generate

Visit your newly generated docs:

  • If you're using static type, find the docs/index.html file in your public/ folder and open it in your browser.
  • If you're using laravel type, start your app (php artisan serve), then visit /docs.

example_languages: For each endpoint, an example request is shown in each of the languages specified in this array. Currently, only bash (curl), javascript(Fetch), php (Guzzle) and python (requests) are included. You can add extra languages, but you must also create the corresponding Blade view (see Adding more example languages).

Default: ["bash", "javascript"]

Please visit scribe for more details.

Publish Controllers

  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tm-controllers

Publish Models

  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tm-models

Publish Middleware

  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tm-middleware

Publish Rules

  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tm-rules

Publish Routes

  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tm-routes

Publish Lang

  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tm-lang

Publish Config

  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tm-config

Publish Laravel Email Notification Blade

  • php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-notifications


The Laravel package is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.