
Lombok-wired JPA entity source code generator, Gradle and Maven supported.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Maven Central

This is a Java library which generates Lombok-wired JPA entity source code. The project provides Gradle plugin and Maven plugin.

Getting Started


apply plugin: 'java'

buildscript {
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.h2database:h2:1.4.197'
    classpath 'com.smartnews:jpa-entity-generator:0.99.3'

configurations { providedCompile }
sourceSets.main.compileClasspath += configurations.providedCompile
sourceSets.test.compileClasspath += configurations.providedCompile
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath += configurations.providedCompile

repositories {
dependencies {
  providedCompile 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.16.20'
  providedCompile 'org.hibernate.javax.persistence:hibernate-jpa-2.1-api:1.0.0.Final'

apply plugin: 'entitygen'
entityGen {
    configPath = 'src/main/resources/entityGenConfig.yml'
For Maven users

Maven plugin to run the code generator is also available.


Put src/main/resources/entityGenConfig.yml, and then run the following command:

mvn jpa-entity-generator:generateAll


  url: "jdbc:h2:file:./db/blog;MODE=MySQL"
  username: "user"
  password: "pass"
  driverClassName: "org.h2.Driver"

packageName: "com.example.entity"

If you need more examples, check the sample entityGenConfig.yml in this repository.

entityGen task

./gradlew entityGen compileJava

entityGen task generates entity classes for all the existing tables in the database.

package com.example.entity;

import java.sql.*;
import javax.persistence.*;
import lombok.Data;

@Entity(name = "com.example.entity.Blog")
@Table(name = "blog")
public class Blog {

  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  @Column(name = "\"id\"")
  private Integer id;
  @Column(name = "\"name\"")
  private String name;
  @Column(name = "\"active\"")
  private Byte active;
  @Column(name = "\"created_at\"")
  private Timestamp createdAt;

How to release new version

./gradlew clean uploadArchives
mvn deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true