Azure Kinect Library for Node / Electron
This library enables you to use the Azure Kinect in your nodejs or electron apps.
- get rgb camera feed
- get depth feed
- get ir feed
- transform between color and depth feed
- point cloud (greyscale and colored)
- get skeleton joints (2d and 3d)
- body index / user masking
- get temperature / accelerometer / gyroscope data (IMU data)
Make sure you have the Azure Kinect drivers installed.
Just npm install like you would do with any regular module.
$ npm install kinect-azure
There are no precompiled binaries yet, so you need to have node-gyp installed on your system.
Potential issues
You might run into the error below when trying to install this module:
Error: spawn C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe ENOENT
To fix this, make sure to install the latest version of node-gyp globally:
$ npm install -g node-gyp
Body tracking
If you want to use body tracking, you will need to have a couple of dll files in the root of your application. Otherwise, you'll run into errors like the one below:
Cannot locate onnxruntime.dll
The install script of this module tries copy these files automatically. You should have the following files in your application root after running npm install:
- onnxruntime.dll
- dnn_model_2_0.onnx
- cublas64_100.dll
- cudart64_100.dll
- vcomp140.dll
- cudnn64_7.dll
If you can't find these files, copy them from inside node_modules/kinect-azure to your project root.
There are nodejs and electron examples in the examples/ folder of this repo. To run them, execute npm install and npm start:
$ cd examples/electron
$ npm install
$ npm start
The electron examples have the javascript code inside the html files. You can find these html files in examples/electron/renderer/demos.
Like this library? Always welcome to buy me a beer 🍺