
Simple shopping cart implementation using PHP5

Primary LanguagePHP

This is an example of a Shopping Cart implemented using PHP5 OOP features.
This was initially a solution for a test required for a job position 
(this was in 2009, so I hope they changed the test since last year :)
Expanding on the original solution, I started building a PHP5 OOP features example,
sprinkled with some design patterns implementation.

The original test specified the Cart to be implemented with Singleton pattern, be able to add and remove
items to Cart and to have a Perstistance object which stores Cart data between requests.

I implemented Decorator pattern on a Product discount, as a "real world" example of Decorators.
The persistance object is set to a cart using the Dependancy Injection (it's really that simple :)

I tried to explain as much as possible what's going on in the code, 
so if you're an experienced developer you might find my comments somewhat
redundant ;)

You are free to use, modify and extend this code.
If you find an error or a bug, please let me know at
sasa.tomislav [ AT ] mataic.com