
This is a PHP script to generate random and fake download link for your file.

Primary LanguagePHP

Author : Divakar Parashar

Use this script on your own risk. I donot hold any responsibility for any security failure using this Script.


This is a PHP script to generate random and fake download link for your file.

How to use: This script works using AJAX view main.html add class {downloadme} and use that script in your js file Put your files in secret folder Use real name of file as title of the link

How this works : The original name of file to download is send to downloadfile.php?f=originalNameofFile ; Let's call it real_file ; A random name is then generated let's call it fake_file; both fake_file and real_file [ only names ] are stored in MySql database; Then this fake_name is trnsferred to download.php?file=fake_file;

then again original name is taken from MySql which is associated with that fake_file;

then this file is downloaded which is placed in SecretFolder;

And the record is deleted;

In the browser history user will get downloading address as download.php?file=fake_file

Since the record has been deleted so there is no file exists to that fake_name even if user requests again on same download address.