
Edit html, css, sass, javascript, typescript and see changes in realtime, like codepen, jsbin, etc.

Primary LanguageVue

Live Editor

Live editor is a web app that renders webpages in real-time(sort of). It's basically CodePen with less features.

Supported Languages

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • JavaScript
  • Typescript

CodeMirror is doing the heavy lifting, code editing, syntax highlighting, etc.

How to run

  • Clone this repo

With docker

  • If you have docker insalled run the command docker compose up -d in your terminal

Without docker

  • Make a duplicate copy of the .env.example file in the web folder, save the duplicate as .env
  • Provide a value for the environment variable VITE_API. This is the url of the backend, assuming you didn't change the port it should be running on localhost:8000.
  • The api requires the environment variable API to be set, you can do this by running export API="localhost:8000". This should be the url where the backend is running on.
  • Run npm run dev from the web folder to get the frontend running
  • Run go run main.go from the api folder to get the backend running

Known issues

  • Refreshing the page after writing Sass will return the compiled sass
  • Refreshing the page after writing Ts will return the compiled typescript
  • Resizing on the y axis downwards is janky, I've narrowed this down to the iframe used to render web pages.


Curiosity, Boredom.