A deep neural network that learns to drive in video games
- 99Rafa
- aidenyergaBilbao, Vizcaya (Spain)
- AntonioAlgaidaHewlett-Packard Enterprise
- babiloneosMéxico
- coronavirus40
- diablogetCosta Rica
- Dios750
- ElOshino
- endeba24
- EnzoReySilMéxico
- EPaoloniBuenos Aires, Argentina
- erikyvanovWay to go
- FranciscoVenegasKuvemar SpA
- HeadLightsDc
- hedajhoProsystech SRL
- HenriES2022
- HumanityDestroy
- humanusdeus
- identyidenty studio
- JonCas22
- jorgeballesterosalonso
- JoseAngulo
- Juaner00
- Kerjox
- kusua
- kymlaar
- lebrito
- LilChaveZz
- LuqueDanielNextica Technologies
- manuelvegadevColombia
- marcegl
- Psycho117
- santiquirozUniversidad Nacional de Colombia
- villada333@UTP
- xseduardPRIVATE
- yugidavid02