
Setup project


  • Have go1.8+ installed
  • Have GOPATH env set
  • Have btcd started
  • Have skycoin node started

Summary of setup for development without btcd or skycoind

# Generate btc_addresses.json file. 'foobar' is an arbitrary seed, and 10 is an arbitrary number of addresses to generate
go run cmd/tool/tool.go -json newbtcaddress foobar 10 > /tmp/btc_addresses.json

# Run proxy, a pubkey will be printed to stdout, copy it
go run cmd/proxy/proxy.go

# In a new terminal, run teller in dummy mode, provide pubkey from proxy stdout, point addresses to addr file
cd cmd/teller/
go run teller.go -proxy-pubkey=<proxy pubkey> -dummy -btc-addrs=/tmp/btc_addresses.json

Proxy API is available on localhost:7071. API has two methods, /api/bind and /api/status, with one query arg skyaddr, e.g.:

wget http://localhost:7071/api/bind?skyaddr=<skycoin addr>

Start teller-proxy

Note: the proxy must be run from the repo root, in order to serve static content from ./web/dist

go run cmd/proxy/proxy.go

once the proxy start, will show a pubkey in the log.

18:28:49 proxy.go:33: Pubkey: 03583bf0a6cbe7048023be5475aca693e192b4b5570bcc883c50f7d96f0a996eda

Start teller

install the skycoin-cli

cd cmd/teller

add pregenearted bitcoin deposit address list in btc_addresses.json.

    "btc_addresses": [

use tool to pregenerate bitcoin address list:

cd cmd/tool
go run tool.go -json newbtcaddress $seed $num


go run tool.go -json newbtcaddress 12323 3


generate json file Example:

go run tool.go -json newbtcaddress 12323 3 > new_btc_addresses.json

teller's config is managed in config.json, need to set the wallet_path in skynode field to an absolute path of skycoin wallet file, and set up the btcd config in btc_rpc field, including server address, username, password and absolute path to the cert file.


    "proxy_address": "",
    "reconnect_time": 5,
    "dial_timeout": 5,
    "ping_timeout": 5,
    "pong_timeout": 10,
    "exchange_rate": 500,
    "skynode": {
        "rpc_address": "",
        "wallet_path": "absolute path to the wallet file"
    "btc_scan": {
        "check_period": 20,
        "deposit_buffer_size": 1024
    "btc_rpc": {
        "server": "",
        "user": "",
        "pass": "",
        "cert": "absolute path to rpc cert file"
    "sky_sender": {
        "request_buffer_size": 1024

run teller service

go run teller.go -proxy-pubkey=$the_pubkey_of_proxy

Service apis

The HTTP API service is provided by the proxy and serve on port 7071 by default.

The API returns JSON for all 200 OK responses.

If the API returns a non-200 response, the response body is the error message, in plain text (not JSON).


Method: POST
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
URI: /api/bind
Request Body: {
    "skyaddr": "..."

Binds a skycoin address to a BTC address. A skycoin address can be bound to multiple BTC addresses. The default maximum number of bound addresses is 5.


curl -H  -X POST "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"skyaddr":"..."}' http://localhost:7071/api/bind


    "btc_address": "1Bmp9Kv9vcbjNKfdxCrmL1Ve5n7gvkDoNp"


Method: GET
Content-Type: application/json
URI: /api/status
Query Args: skyaddr

Returns statuses of a skycoin address.

Since a single skycoin address can be bound to multiple BTC addresses the result is in an array. The default maximum number of BTC addresses per skycoin address is 5.

We cannot return the BTC address for security reasons so they are numbered and timestamped instead.

Possible statuses are:

  • waiting_deposit - Skycoin address is bound, no deposit seen on BTC address yet
  • waiting_send - BTC deposit detected, waiting to send skycoin out
  • waiting_confirm - Skycoin sent out, waiting to confirm the skycoin transaction
  • done - Skycoin transaction confirmed


curl http://localhost:7071/api/status?skyaddr=t5apgjk4LvV9PQareTPzWkE88o1G5A55FW


    "statuses": [
            "seq": 1,
            "update_at": 1501137828,
            "status": "done"
            "seq": 2,
            "update_at": 1501128062,
            "status": "waiting_deposit"
            "seq": 3,
            "update_at": 1501128063,
            "status": "waiting_deposit"