
KittyCash wallet - Kittery

Primary LanguageGo

Kittycash Wallet

Where one claims ownership of dem' kitties.

$ wallet -h

   wallet - A new cli application

   wallet [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   kitty cash wallet executable

     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --wallet-dir value    directory to store wallet files (default: "$HOME/.watercompany/kittycash-wallets")
   --proxy-domain value  domain to proxy kitty-api requests to (default: "api.kittycash.com")
   --proxy-tls           whether to use TLS to communicate to kitty-api domain
   --http-address value  address to serve http server on (default: "")
   --gui                 whether to enable gui
   --gui-dir value       directory to serve GUI from (default: "$GOPATH/src/github.com/watercompany/kittycash-wallet/wallet/dist")
   --tls                 whether to enable tls
   --tls-cert value      tls certificate file path
   --tls-key value       tls key file path
   --test                whether to run wallet in test mode
   --help, -h            show help
   --version, -v         print the version

Run Wallet

Run the wallet backend.

go run ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/watercompany/kittycash-wallet/cmd/wallet/wallet.go

Run the wallet frontend.

Refer to /electron/README.md.

Test wallet

Start wallet backend in test mode.

This is so that nothing gets written to disk. We have also set proxy domain to staging-api.kittycash.com instead of api.kittycash.com.

go run ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/watercompany/kittycash-wallet/cmd/wallet/wallet.go \
--test=true \
--proxy-domain="staging-api.kittycash.com" \
--proxy-tls=true \

Endpoints documentation

Refer to the Postman collection located at /docs/Wallet.postman_collection.json .