
Tools for hacker and security researchers

Awesome Hacker Tools

A collection of hacker tools

You may follow what mentioned below to download a single folder. Lets take ollydbg folder as an example, firstly double click the folder and then you will see the URL in the address bar as following:


now we change tree/master to trunk and execute following command to download the folder:

 svn checkout https://github.com/ikey4u/HackerTools/trunk/odbg110

P.S. Ubuntu user could execute following command to install svn in case you do not have svn installed.

sudo apt install subversion

Direct URL to download a folder

  • IDA Pro: svn checkout https://github.com/ikey4u/HackerTools/trunk/ida-color-scheme

  • OllyDbg: This tool has a large size, I have put it on Baiduyun disk, download it from here

    链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1MUlF6HQ-Q90RYzhmE2KV5A 提取码: v5cu