
A cross-platform note taking and static blog writing system in golang

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Note taking && Blog writing in a fucking simple but neat way

1. Installation

Download installer for your platform from following links

For linux and mac user, you should make the installer executable, for example

chmod +x pigmgr_darwin_amd64

Then you can run pigmgr_xxx from command line and finish the installation.

2. Document format

Find the PDF in here


You should use a full functional text editor such as notepad++, vs code editor, sublime, or vim and so on.

But but but not the editor such as windows's notepad! Please!

The text format must be unix type (which means that its newline character should be \n but not else something)

3. To note taking

A sample note could be found here http://ahageek.com/writer/posts/msb-and-lsb/index.html

You may add a .txt suffix to the link and open the source text file http://ahageek.com/writer/posts/msb-and-lsb/index.html.txt

To generate a note (let us assume that the text name is msb-and-lsb.txt), you could run

pigger msb-and-lsb.txt

Then open msb-and-lsb/index.html to see the magic.

4. To blog writing

A sample blog is http://ahageek.com/writer/site.html

To generate a static blog(lets assume that the blog root is writer), you just need one command line

pigger new writer

Then you get a static blog!

In writer directory, you write a simple text file(must has a suffix .txt) following the document format, then run

pigger build

pigger will render all your files into beautiful htmls.

Push writer into the secondary domain of github, then you are done!

Support ?

If you like pigger, please give pigger a star.


MIT License