
irony-mode support for eldoc-mode

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

irony-eldoc - irony-mode support for eldoc-mode

This implements eldoc support in irony-mode. eldoc is a built-in Emacs mode for displaying documentation about a symbol or function call at point in the message buffer (see eldoc-mode).

To use

Enable the minor mode irony-eldoc, as well as eldoc-mode. For an example, place point on top of a symbol, or inside a function call.

It is easiest to add irony-eldoc to irony-mode-hook, if you already have irony-mode set up.

(add-hook 'irony-mode-hook #'irony-eldoc)




  • It is based on irony-mode, which is in turn based on libclang. As a result, it avoid reparsing files when possible and is quite accurate.

  • TODO It is a little imprecise when it comes to function calls: right now it resolves overloaded function calls by the number of arguments, but doesn't take arguments' types into account. It will show all matching functions in the minibuffer message, but that will include some irrelevant ones too. There is a plan to incorporate a precise version of this feature into irony-mode.