
Primary LanguageTypeScript


versioncheck helps with checking if version numbers in files spread out across multiple repositories are out-of-date. This is primarily useful for gitops workflows where versions of docker images, helm charts, etc are committed to a repository.

versioncheck requires a configuration file that defines where to fetch versions from and what files contain the version numbers to check against. A github token must then be provided to fetch the files from github. Alternatively, a path mapping file can map github URLs to a local checkout of the repository.


The basic thing to do is check versions which can be done via:

versioncheck check

By default, upstream versions are cached. To force versions to be re-fetched, run

versioncheck check --update

--outdated can also be passed to only show outdated versions.

It's also possible to list available upstream versions via

versioncheck versions <name> [version-spec]


A configuration file is a YAML file that looks like

    type: helm
    repo: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
    chart: ingress-nginx
    versionSpec: 1.3.x
      type: file
      source: https://github.com/org/repo/blob/HEAD/argocd/ingress-ops.yaml
        type: yaml
        query: "spec.source.targetRevision"

The configuration file contains a mapping of names to the version specification which is upstream and usages.


upstream indicates how to fetch versions from upstream. type indicates what fetcher to use. Each fetcher has its own specific configuration.

versionSpec specifies the version pattern to use for determining if a version is outdated. For example, if upstream has maintained 2.x and 1.x lines, but we're not ready to update to 2.x, we can restrict it to 1.x so that we can check against that instead of being perpetually out-of-date against 2.x.

prerelease indicates whether or not to include prereleases in the list of versions.

Github release / tag

    type: github_release
    owner: traefik
    repo: traefik
    versionSpec: "2.6.x"

Fetching versions from github can be configured with either type: github_release or type: github_tag depending on the project. Both of them take the same options.

owner and repo indicate which github repository to fetch from. regexp allows extracting part of the release / tag name in case there's additional text.

Github commit

    type: github_commit
    owner: org
    repo: secret-project
    private: true

type: github_commit allows fetching the commit hash for the specified ref. Unlike other fetchers, this only returns one version. This is mostly useful for dependencies that are pinned by hash and don't have actual versions.

owner and repo indicate which github repository to fetch from. ref takes a ref like HEAD or a branch / tag name. private is optional and indicates that the repository is private. When fetching a private repository and no github tokens are provided, the fetcher falls back to git ls-remote via SSH.


    type: helm
    repo: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
    chart: ingress-nginx

type: helm allows fetching from helm repositories. In addition to the "main" version, this also fetches the "app" version for display but all checking is done against the "main" chart version.

repo is the url you would use with helm repo add and chart is the chart name.


    type: html
    url: https://www.jenkins.io/changelog-stable/rss.xml
    selector: channel item title
    regexp: "Jenkins (.*)"

type: html allows fetching a single HTML / XML page and parsing out a list of versions from it.

url indicates the URL of the HTML page. selector takes a CSS selector for elements to consider. Finally regexp allows parsing the textContent of the retrieved elements and getting the versions out.


usages is a map of names to usage specifications. Currently, only type: file is supported.

source is a path to a local file when used within a single repository. When working with multiple repositories, it should be the URL to the file on GitHub (not the raw URL). If tokens are provided, these are fetched HTTP. Otherwise, the files are retrieved locally according to the provided path mapping.

parser indicates how to get the used version out of the file. type: regexp extracts the version via the provided regexp.

type: yaml parses the file as YAML (or JSON). query is a JMESPath expression to get from the parsed data. Optionally, regexp can be provided to get the actual version out.

Path Mapping

The path mapping is used to map github urls to local paths. The file is a YAML file with alias and github. Like so:

  ~org: /data/repos/org
  ~sister-org: /data/repos/sister-org

  org/repo: ~org/repo
  org/secret-project: ~org/secret-repos/project
  sister-org/config: ~sister-org/config

alias allows mapping a ~name to a local path that will be used in the rest of the configuration. In the above example, any instance of ~org will be replaced by /data/repos/org.

github maps github repository names to the path of a local checkout. In the above example, the org/repo repository is found at ~org/repo which will be expanded to /data/repos/org/repo. org/secret-project would be ultimately resolved to /data/repos/secret-repos/project and sister-org/config resolves to /data/repos/sister-org/config.