
Keep your lambdas warm during Winter. ♨

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Serverless WarmUP Plugin ♨

serverless npm version npm downloads license

Keep your lambdas warm during Winter.


  • Serverless v1.12.x or higher.
  • AWS provider

How it works

WarmUP solves cold starts by creating one schedule event lambda that invokes all the service lambdas you select in a configured time interval (default: 5 minutes) or a specific time, forcing your containers to stay alive.


Install via npm in the root of your Serverless service:

npm install serverless-plugin-warmup --save-dev
  • Add the plugin to the plugins array in your Serverless serverless.yml:
  - serverless-plugin-warmup
  • Add warmup: true property to all functions you want to be warm:
    warmup: true
  • WarmUP to be able to invoke lambdas requires the following Policy Statement in iamRoleStatements:
  - Effect: 'Allow'
      - 'lambda:InvokeFunction'
    - Fn::Join:
      - ':'
      - - arn:aws:lambda
        - Ref: AWS::Region
        - Ref: AWS::AccountId
        - function:${self:service}-${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}-*
  • Add an early callback call when the event source is serverless-plugin-warmup. You should do this early exit before running your code logic, it will save your execution duration and cost:
module.exports.lambdaToWarm = function(event, context, callback) {
  /** Immediate response for WarmUP plugin */
  if (event.source === 'serverless-plugin-warmup') {
    console.log('WarmUP - Lambda is warm!')
    return callback(null, 'Lambda is warm!')
  ... add lambda logic after
  • All done! WarmUP will run on SLS deploy and package commands


  • memorySize (default 128)
  • name (default warmup-plugin-${service}-${stage})
  • schedule (default rate(5 minutes)) - More examples here.
  • timeout (default 10 seconds)
    memorySize: 256
    name: 'make-them-pop'
    schedule: 'cron(0/5 8-17 ? * MON-FRI *) // Run WarmUP every 5 minutes Mon-Fri between 8:00am and 5:55pm (UTC)'
    timeout: 20

Options should be tweaked depending on:

  • Number of lambdas to warm up
  • Day cold periods

Lambdas invoked by WarmUP will have event source serverless-plugin-warmup:

  "Event": {
    "source": "serverless-plugin-warmup"


Lambda pricing here. CloudWatch pricing here. You can use AWS Lambda Pricing Calculator to check how much will cost you monthly.


Free Tier not included + Default WarmUP options + 10 lambdas to warm, each with memorySize = 1024 and duration = 10:

  • WarmUP: runs 8640 times per month = $0.18
  • 10 warm lambdas: each invoked 8640 times per month = $14.4
  • Total = $14.58

CloudWatch costs are not in this example because they are very low.


Help us making this plugin better and future proof.

  • Clone the code
  • Install the dependencies with npm install
  • Create a feature branch git checkout -b new_feature
  • Lint with standard npm run lint


This software is released under the MIT license. See the license file for more details.