Powerful logger for .NET applications.
Main features:
- support most commonly used logging targets out of the box;
- logging targets can be used in any combination;
- support reliable and async logging;
- has configurable log message pattern;
- loggers can be stacked (logger inside library wraps main application logger);
- XSD schema for logger section in App.config.
Supported logging targets:
- Console
- File
- MS SQL Server database
- Pipe service
- Network service
- Logstash
Supported service facilities:
- Group wrapper (enable grouping of any logging targets)
- Async wrapper (enable writing logs in separate thread)
- Reliable wrapper (logs stored in local file while logging target not works)
- Pattern matching wrapper (simple log message routing between logging targets)
- Install Qoollo.Logger NuGet package
- Add configuration section to your 'App.config' (you can use Qoollo.Logger.Config NuGet package):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<section name="LoggerConfigurationSection" type="Qoollo.Logger.Configuration.LoggerConfigurationSectionConfigClass, Qoollo.Logger" allowExeDefinition="MachineToApplication" requirePermission="false" />
<LoggerConfigurationSection xmlns="Qoollo.Logger.Configuration.LoggerConfigurationSection_NS">
<logger logLevel="DEBUG">
<consoleWriter />
<fileWriter fileNameTemplate="logs/{DateTime, format = yyyy-MM-dd}.log" />
<fileWriter logLevel="ERROR" fileNameTemplate="logs/Errors_{DateTime, format = yyyy-MM-dd}.log" />
- Now it is ready to use:
Qoollo.Logger.LoggerStatic.Info("Hello world!");