
An implementation of the Service Oriented AppDelegate by @clooth (http://sizeof.io/2014/02/08/service-oriented-appdelegate/)

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


Version Platform

This is a small cocoapod of the excellent SOAppDelegate idea by Nico Hämäläinen. After I used SOAppDelegate in some of my projects I quickly discovered that I didn't want to use Vanilla AppDelegates anymore.

This pod should simplify the setup of new iOS projects and keep me away from copying the same code over and over again. Additionally, I'm thinking for a possibility to collect and handle the return values of the used services somehow. If anybody has ideas on this topic, please get in touch.


To run the example project; clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

See this blog post for a detailed writeup about this topic.

Step 1

Make your UIAppDelegate implementation a subclass of SOXAppDelegate.

#import "SOXAppDelegate.h"

@interface SOXDAppDelegate : SOXAppDelegate


Step 2

Create your Service classes. You can either use a plain NSObject subclass for that purpose or a SOXService subclass.
NSObject subclasses should at least implement some form of Singleton pattern to prevent multiple instances of your services (there is only one UIApplicationDelegate per App and so should your services).
The SOXService implements the default Singleton pattern, the shared instance is available via sharedInstance.

Step 3

Add the services method to your SOXAppDelegate subclass. We're assuming MyServiceClass to be the name of your service in this example:

#pragma mark - Services

- (NSArray *)services
    static NSArray * _services;
    static dispatch_once_t _onceTokenServices;
    dispatch_once(&_onceTokenServices, ^{
        _services = @[[MyServiceClass sharedInstance]];
    return _services;

Step 4

Implement all UIAppDelegate methods necessary for your service in the service class. You don't need to declare the UIApplicationDelegate. Your SOXAppDelegate subclass will call all methods implemented by the service when they are called on the AppDelegate.

Step 5

Don't forget to call the super within all UIApplicationDelegate methods inside your delegate. The baseclass will then make sure that all services which implement said method get notified.


  • iOS >= 6.0


SOXAppDelegate is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SOXAppDelegate"


Florian Krüger, florian.krueger@projectserver.org


SOXAppDelegate is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.