MiniMax TicTacToe

Following 2 hours the code was complete and (mostly) tested but the solution hadn't yet been hosted.
Also, there were bugs! :(

Known issues:

i. The Game Over check omits checking for a winning condition (bug not feature) so some moves by 'o' won't be optimal!
e.g. input: ++++xx++o -> output: ++++xxo+o

ii. Currently, there is no validation that the board is in an illegal state because of an incorrect number of pieces.
e.g. The following does not result in a Bad Request (400), input: ++x+xx++o


  • Add winning condition check to Game Over function
  • Check valid number of pieces for each player on board

Possible enhancements:

  • Optimise first move played by 'o' given an empty board
  • Use generative testing (potentially) to brute force test implementation
  • Caching moves for performance
  • Varying board dimensions, etc