
Implementation of JSON API endpoints with AWS Gateway using Serverless and Dynamoose

Primary LanguageJavaScript

serverless JavaScript Style Guide

âš¡ Serverless Basic CRUD API for use of DynamoDB with Dynamoose

Basic implementation of JSON API endpoints for creating, reading, update and delete (CRUD) for a generic data structure called just item with the interest of making of this a boilerplate for quick starting projects based on Serverless Framework focused in AWS Lambda.


  • Includes webpack 4 support for packaging and including babel transpilation.
  • Yarn support (previous versions of serverless webpack did not have well yarn support).
  • Complete supprt for ES6+ syntax up to stage 2.
  • Basic schema for "Item" model with Dynamoose.
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete, List and Batch creation of items.
  • In the case of new item data entries it includes auto id creation based on uuid/v1.
  • Handlers only manages IO.
  • Error parsing, logging and response to endpoint.
  • API Gateway path described for every http verb included.


$ yarn
$ export AWS_PROFILE="Your AWS credentials profile"
$ serverless deploy

📢 Highlight

Every handler is built inside a template strutured for reusing with the folowing parts:

export const handler = async ({ body }, context, callback) => {
  // Action invocation through promisified method
  // handleErr and to are declared below.
  const [err, result] = await to(crudItem(body))

  // Error handling
  if (err) {
  callback(null, handleErr(err))
  } else {
    // Response construction
    const response = {
      statusCode: 200,
      headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
      body: JSON.stringify(result)

    console.log(` => Action logging...`)
    callback(null, response)

// 🚧 Outside the handler 🚧
// Function responsible of data manipulation (✨ Where magic happens)
const crudItem = data => {
  const itemData = JSON.parse(data)
  // Dynamoose promisified API method for data manipulation
  return Item.crud()

// *** Error handling support in promises
const to = promise =>
    .then(data => [null, data])
    .catch(err => [pe(err)]) // parse-error (npm module)

const handleErr = (error, statusCode = 500) => {
  console.error(' => ERROR:', error.stack)

  return {
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: JSON.stringify({ error })

Endpoint description

Get an item by its id (handler get.getById)

GET -> https://[api-gateway-code].execute-api.[aws-region].amazonaws.com/[stage]/api/item/:id

List all the stored items (handler list.listAll)

GET -> https://[api-gateway-code].execute-api.[aws-region].amazonaws.com/[stage]/api/items

Add one item (handler add.addOne)

POST -> https://[api-gateway-code].execute-api.[aws-region].amazonaws.com/[stage]/api/add/one

Batch add an array of items (handler batchAdd.batchAdd)

POST -> https://[api-gateway-code].execute-api.[aws-region].amazonaws.com/[stage]/api/add/batch

Update an item (handler update.updateOne)

PUT -> https://[api-gateway-code].execute-api.[aws-region].amazonaws.com/[stage]/api/item/:id

Delete an item (handler delete.deleteOne)

DELETE -> https://[api-gateway-code].execute-api.[aws-region].amazonaws.com/[stage]/api/item/:id

🤚 Disclaimer

Considere this as a quick start project boilerplate if you like some of the things implemented here, because that is the use i plan to give it. Considere that for production level even for little project there room for various validations that were ommited for the sake of general use of this.

😎 If you came all through here then i might tell you that you can use this at your will. Enjoy! 🤘