
I like to solve problems and I do the LeetCode problems solutions here to test my analytical skills. I mostly do it using Python.


  1. Two_Sum.py (Arrays)

  2. Merge_Two_Sorted_Lists.py (Linked List)

  3. Maximum_Subarray.py (Arrays)

  4. Best_Time_to_Buy_and_Sell_Stock.py (Arrays)/ Sliding Window

  5. Contains_Duplicat.py (Arrays)

  6. Climbing_Stars.py (Dynamic Programming)

  7. House_Robber.py (Dynamic Programming)

  8. Number_1_Bits.py (Binary) Counting_Bits.py

  9. Reverse_Linked_List (Linked List)

  10. Linked List Cycle (Linked List)

  11. Valid_Palindrome.py (String)

  12. Valid_Anagram.py (Arrays & Hashing)

  13. Meeting_Rooms.py (Intervals)

  14. Same_Tree.py


  1. Longest_substring_without_repeating_characters.py (Sliding Window)

  2. Remove Nth Node From End of List.py

  3. Container_With_Most_Water.py (Arrays)

  4. Search in Rotated Sorted Array

  5. Group_Anagrams.py (Arrays & Hashing)

  6. Construct_Binary_Tree_from_Preorder_and_Inorder_Traversal.py

  7. Reorder_List.py

  8. Maximum_Product_Subarray.py (Array) / (Solved using Dynamic Programming)

  9. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

  10. Counting_Bits.py (Binary) 68.Top_K_Frequent_Elements.py

1 month break Spet 7th: Last worked 27 days ago Start by watching the Apna college DSA notes videos > motivated > Work 1/2 easy questions > apply job > be desciplined again Will keep doing for 20 straight days from Sept 11 to Sept 30. Spet 11: Revised the notes I wrote in Notion

Sept 27: Studied contiously from mid sept. Need to Follow the Top 6 interview topics from now for 20 days.