Microserviços, Spring Boot 2.6.4 & Spring Cloud 2021.0.1 & JMIX 1.2.0

Implementation of Microservices using Spring Boot 2.6.4, Spring Cloud 2021.0.1 and JMIX 1.2.0 This project was entirely based on Piotr's project (https://github.com/piomin/sample-spring-microservices-new) and updated to use the latest libraries.


In the most cases you need to have Maven and JDK17+. The best way to run the sample applications is with IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.


Use distribution task for building jar or runnable jar depending on type project.

Use docker-compose to build and run all services. Do not forget using --build and --force-recreate docker-compose flags

Optional: By default application expects that docker is running over Docker Desktop, but if you are running docker inside virtual machine (like VirtualBox) your IP isn't the same as localhost. If it is your case you should change AUTH_SERVER_EXTERNAL url in docker-compose for admin-jmix. Also see the same section in configuration


Open http://localhost:8080/auth (admin/admin) and import auth-service/config/realm.json for Master Realm. Use Skip strategy for importing.

Because Auth server doesn't export role assigment during realm exporting you should add roles to the admin user by your hands. Open users in Admin console, find admin, open Role Mappings and assign system-full-access role

Optional: By default application expects that docker is running over Docker Desktop, but if you are running docker inside virtual machine (like VirtualBox) your IP isn't the same as localhost. If it is your case you should change urls for admin-jmix client configuration. Open admin-jmix client configuration and change localhost on your IP everywhere


This sample microservices-based system consists of the following modules:

  • admin-service - a module that uses Spring Boot Admin for monitoring Spring Boot applications and using the Spring Boot Actuator module in the background.
  • admin-jmix-service - a JMIX module that giving UI to manage resources like employees, departments, organizations.
  • admin-react-service - an Admin React module that giving UI to manage resources like employees, departments, organizations.
  • config-service - a module that uses Spring Cloud Config Server for running configuration server in the native mode. The configuration files are placed on the classpath.
  • discovery-service - a module that depending on the example it uses Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka as an embedded discovery server.
  • gateway-service - a module that Spring Cloud Gateway for running Spring Boot application that acts as a proxy/gateway in our architecture.
  • employee-service - a JMIX module containing the first of our sample microservices that allows to perform CRUD operation on in-memory repository of employees
  • department-service - a JMIX module containing the second of our sample microservices that allows to perform CRUD operation on in-memory repository of departments. It communicates with employee-service.
  • organization-service - a module containing the third of our sample microservices that allows to perform CRUD operation on in-memory repository of organizations. It communicates with both employee-service and department-service.


  • Department service -> Employee service using WebClient
  • Organization service -> Employee service using Feign client
  • Organization service -> Department service using Feign client

The following picture illustrates the architecture described above.


Gradle project structure

To create new gradle module/project just add empty build.gradle in a folder