
graphql-go schema generator by proto files

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Tool, which generates GraphQL Schema for graphql-go package based on external data sources


$ go get github.com/EGT-Ukraine/go2gql/cmd/go2gql


$ ./go2gql -c "<config path>"

Generation process


The generation process is built around plugins. Plugin is a go type that implements interface

type Plugin interface {
	Init(*GenerateConfig, []Plugin) error
	Prepare() error
	Name() string
	PrintInfo(info Infos)
	Infos() map[string]string
	Generate() error
  1. reading config
  2. plugins initialization ( calling Init() method of each plugin )
  3. plugins preparation ( calling Prepare() method of each plugin )
  4. plugins generation ( calling Generate() method of each plugin )

Default plugins

Default plugins places in ./generator/plugins

graphql plugin

graphql generates:

  • GraphQL Schema based on config and relying on data sent to him from other packages
  • GraphQL types and resolvers relying on data sent to him from other packages

config example

Here's a simple config example of how to generate such GraphQL schema

type Query {
    fieldA FieldA
type FieldA {
    srvField SomeServiceObj
type SomeServiceObj {
    ... SomeService methods
type Mutation {
    ... SomeServiceMutations methods
  - name: "ExampleSchema"                           # Schema name
    output_path: "./services_api/schema/auth.go"    # Where to put schema code
    output_package: "schema"                        # Package name
      type: "OBJECT"
        - field:       "fieldA"
          type:        "OBJECT"                     # Field type (OBJECT|SERVICE)
          object_name: "FieldA"
            - field:        "srvField"
              object_name:  "SomeServiceObj"
              service:      "SomeService"           # Service name
              type:         "SERVICE"
                - "excluded_method_1"
                - "excluded_method_1"
                - "excluded_method_3"

      # similary to queries
      type: "SERVICE"
      service: "SomeServiceMutations"

proto2gql plugin

proto2gql plugin parses .proto files, defined in config and pass them to graphql plugin.

Service names

For each service of each proto file, proto2gql adds two services to graphql plugins with names:

  • ServiceName or ServiceAlias
  • ServiceNameMutations or ServiceAliasMutations

Config example

    output_path: "./proto_out/"      # path, where to put generated code
    paths:                           # path, where parser will search for imports
        - "./vendor"
        - "$GOPATH/src"
    import_aliases:                  # imports aliases for all files
        - google/protobuf/descriptor.proto: "github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/descriptor/descriptor.proto"
        - google/protobuf/timestamp.proto:  "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp/timestamp.proto"
        - google/protobuf/empty.proto:      "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/empty/empty.proto"
      # If you want to add some settings to imported .proto file, just add it here
      - name: "Name"                  # name of .proto file
        proto_path: "./a.proto"       # path to .proto file
        output_path: "./schema/name"  # file-specific path, where to put generated code
        proto_go_package: "github.com/gogo/protobuf/types" # Go package of .proto file grpc client (which was previously generated by `protoc`)
        gql_messages_prefix: "Msg"    # prefix, which will be added to all generated GraphQL Messages(including maps)
        gql_enums_prefix:    "Enm"    # prefix, which will be added to all generated GraphQL Enums
        paths:                        # file specific path, where parser will search for imports
          - "./a_proto_deps/"
        imports_aiases:               # file specific imports aliases
          - google/protobuf/timestamp.proto:  "github.com/gogo/protobuf/protobuf/google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"
        services:                     # services settings
          "serviceName":              # service name
            alias: "someAlias"        # service name alias
              "methodName":           # method name
                alias: "methodAlias"
                request_type: "QUERY" # method type in GraphQL Schema (QUERY|MUTATION)
        messages:                     # messages settings
          - "Request$":               # message name match regex
                  context_key: "ip"   # context key, where unmarshaller will get this field from
          - "Response$":
              error_field: "Error"    # name of payload error field
      - ...
      - ...


swagger2gql plugin

proto2gql plugin parses swagger files, defined in config and pass them to graphql plugin.

Service names

For each tag of each swagger file, proto2gql adds two services to graphql plugins with names:

  • pascalized(tag-name) or ServiceAlias
  • pascalized(tag-name)Mutations or ServiceAliasMutations

pascalized() here means, that it converts string to CamelCase format and removes all characters that is not valid in GraphQL Object name

Config example

    output_path: "./swagger_out/"           # Path, where to put generated code
    objects:                                # GraphQL objects configs
      - "Response$":                        # Object name
          error_field: "error"              # name of payload error field
      - "InputParams$":
          fields:                           # Object fields config
            ip:                             # field name
              context_key: "user_ip"        # context key, where unmarshaller will get this field from
      - name: "Swagger file number 1"         # swagger file name
        path: "./service1/swagger.json"       # path to swagger file
        models_go_path: "github.com/myproject/service1/client/models" # path to generated using goswagger models
        output_pkg: "gql_service1"            # output go package name
        output_path: "./service1/schema/"     # file-specific path, where to put generated code
        gql_objects_prefix: "Srv1"            # prefix, which will be added to all generated GraphQL Objects
        tags:                                 # tags settings
          "some-swagger-tag":                 # tag name
            client_go_package: "github.com/myproject/service1/client/some_swagger_tag/client"   # go client package
            service_name: "SomeSwaggerTag"    # tag service name
            methods:                          # tag method settings
              "/somes":                       # request path
                get:                          # request method (get/post/put/options...)
                  alias: "get"
                  request_type: "QUERY"       # request type (QUERY|MUTATIONS)
        objects:                              # file specific objects settings
         - "Request$":
               context_key: "user_id"

Simple plugin example

Here's a simple plugin, that gets access to graphql plugin. Fetches information about services and their methods, and then, render them to .yml file

package main

import (


const Name = "gql_services_rules"

type plugin struct {
	gqlPlugin *graphql.Plugin

func (p *plugin) Init(_ *generator.GenerateConfig, plugins []generator.Plugin) error {
	for _, plugin := range plugins {
		if g, ok := plugin.(*graphql.Plugin); ok {
			p.gqlPlugin = g
			return nil
	return errors.New("graphql plugin was not found")

func (p plugin) Generate() error {
	file, err := os.OpenFile("./services_access.yml", os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to open services_access.yml")
	defer file.Close()
	for _, typesFile := range p.gqlPlugin.Types() {
		for _, service := range typesFile.Services {
			if len(service.Methods) == 0 {
			file.WriteString(service.Name + ":\n")
			for _, method := range service.Methods {
				file.WriteString("   " + method.Name + ":\n")
	return nil
func (plugin) Name() string                   { return Name }
func (plugin) Prepare() error                 { return nil }
func (plugin) PrintInfo(info generator.Infos) {}
func (plugin) Infos() map[string]string       { return nil }

func Plugin() generator.Plugin {
	return new(plugin)
func main(){}