
Otakusama is Manga Watching Platform that allows users to read , save and bookmark as well as Bookmark them.

Primary LanguageDart


Otakusama is a Flutter application powered by Django Backend that allows you to explore and read manga online.



### Working Video


The homepage of Otakusama displays a collection of random manga titles. You can click on any of the titles to start reading.


If you are looking for a specific manga, you can use the search feature. Simply enter the title or keywords related to the manga you are interested in, and the application will display the matching results.

Top Manga

To discover the most popular manga titles, navigate to the "Top Manga" section. Here, you will find a curated list of highly recommended manga series based on user ratings and reviews.

Author Manga

If you enjoy a particular manga author's work, you can explore their other manga series by clicking on their name. This will take you to a page dedicated to the author, where you can find a list of all their manga titles.

Genre of Manga

Otakusama offers a wide range of genres to choose from. Whether you prefer action, romance, fantasy, or any other genre, you can easily filter the manga titles based on your preferences.

Add to Favorites

To keep track of your favorite manga series, you can add them to your favorites list. This allows you to quickly access and continue reading your preferred manga titles whenever you visit the application.

Watch History

Otakusama keeps track of your reading history. You can easily access the manga titles you have recently read and continue from where you left off.

That's it! You are now ready to explore and enjoy Otakusama. Happy reading!