This WebApp is an application based on the API "The movie database" (TMDB). It offers access from the home page to the new movies of the week and to movies by genre. A "suggerator", a movie suggestion interface proposes a filter based on the mood, the state of tiredness and the interest of the spectator (which translates into a filter on the duration of the movie, its style and its release date).
This project is a Front project. It was developed by 6 developers in training at the Wild Code School of Lille (React Javascript) as a half training project (Project 2).
- Template` : Application developed on React, Node Express from a template developed by the Wild Code School. Only the frontend was used.
Tools used in this template:
- Concurrently : Allows to execute several commands in the same terminal
- Husky : Allows to execute actions when triggered by git commands
- Vite : Alternative to Create-React-App, with fewer packages for a smoother experience
- ESLint : "Code quality" tool, ensures that pre-configured rules are respected
- Prettier : "code quality" tool also, focuses more specifically on code style
- Standard Airbnb : One of the most well known "standards", even if it is not officially linked to ES/JS
- Nodemon : Tool to restart a server each time one of the files is modified
- Styled Component was used to manage the style of the application.
- React Router to manage the links between pages.
- Swiper to manage the welcome carousel on the application.
- Prop-types to type the props.
- Axios for API calls.
On VSCode, install Prettier - Code formatter and ESLint plugins and configure them
Clone this repository, go inside
Run the npm run setup command
NB: To run the backend, an environment file with the connection data of a valid DB is required. A sample can be found in backend/.env.sample
setup : Initialization of the frontend and backend as well as the tools
dev : Start the three servers (frontend in the same terminal)
dev-front : Start a React server for the frontend
lint: Run code validation tools (will be run automatically at each commit)
fix: Fix formatting errors (to be run if lint doesn't pass)
A team of developers in training from March to June 2022 at the Wild Code School in Lille