
Predicting emotion of tweets

Primary LanguagePython


The assignment

This was an assignment in ML2 097200 course in Spring 2022 in The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology .

The field of detecting which emotion is represented in a text is developing and being studied due to its usefulness. For example, detecting if a review is positive or negative and more.

The data

The data is a csv file containing tweets and their labels according to the emotion – {happiness, sadness, neutral}. Every row in the file (except for the header) is an example.

Examples: (Notepad++ view)

happiness,Welcome @doeko ! Really glad to know you here. Your products rox man sadness,Disappointment really sucks! I'm getting used to it. neutral,I just want to Sleep.

The pdf report includes:

  • Data loading and pre processing of the data.
  • Architecture
  • Loss function
  • Optimization
  • Regularization
  • Hyper parameters tuning
  • Train + Test loss graph
  • Train + Test confusion matrix (a 3x3 matrix real x predicted)
  • Train + Test accuracy
  • Conclusions

LSTM Architecture


Glove embedding


Interesting results:


