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Mongodb what is the best way to use collection as round robin

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alt explanation of problem

Description of solution

Use an update of type FindOneAndUpdate with a pipeline

Data object: { "values" : [ "Pencil", "Pen", "Sharpener" ], "selected" : "Pencil", "counter" : 1 }

Pipeline: [{$project: { values: 1, selected: { $arrayElemAt: [ '$values', '$counter' ] }, counter: { $mod: [ { $add: [ '$counter', 1 ] }, { $size: '$values' } ] } }}]

Using a separate counter to advance round-robin through another collection

Example1 covered the cases of a small set of elements, but as the number of elements grows the execution time increases as well. Using two collections a counter and another for the elements should decrease the time of execution by using two queries to accomplish the task

The update is simpler:

[{$project: { counter: { $mod: [ { $add: [ '$counter', 1 ] }, 50000 ] } }}]

It returns a number that can be an indexed field in another collection. This method takes two queries to get the result but ultimately faster when dealing with a large number items.