
REST Client library which allows interacting with Koios Server Instances

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Preview Preprod Mainnet CodeQL Coverage License Version


Koios TypeScript Client

Koios Typescript Client is a REST Client library which allows interacting with Koios Server Instances. Koios TypeScript Client Library is based on Koios Elastic Query Layer for Cardano Node by Cardano Community Guild Operators.
Koios is best described as a Decentralized and Elastic RESTful query layer for exploring data on Cardano blockchain to consume within applications/wallets/explorers/etc.
Resource and maintenance requirements for Cardano blockchain components (e.g. cardano-node, cardano-db-sync) are ever-growing. Along with that, every builder needs to identify how to query complex information from the chain.

Table of contents


This project requires NodeJS (version 16 or later) and NPM. Node and NPM are really easy to install. To make sure you have them available on your machine, try running the following command.

$ npm -v ; node -v


  • Synchronous REST messaging
  • Pagination (Limit and Offset)
  • Horizontal Filtering
  • Vertical Filtering
  • Sorting Supported
  • Rate Control (soon)
  • Inner Retry Mechanism upon Timeouts
Supported REST Services
Service Endpoint Description
Network Chain Tip Get the tip info about the latest block seen by chain
Genesis Info Get the Genesis parameters used to start specific era on chain
Get historical tokenomic stats Get the circulating utxo, treasury, rewards, supply and reserves in lovelace for specified epoch, all epochs if empty
Param Update Proposals Get all parameter update proposals submitted to the chain starting Shelley era
Epoch Epoch Information Get the epoch information, all epochs if no epoch specified
Epoch's Protocol Parameters Get the protocol parameters for specific epoch, returns information about all epochs if no epoch specified
Epoch's Block Protocols Get the information about block protocol distribution in epoch
Block Block List Get summarised details about all blocks (paginated - latest first)
Block Information Get detailed information about a specific block
Block Transactions Get a list of all transactions included in a provided block
Transactions Transaction Information Get detailed information about transaction(s)
Transaction UTxOs Get UTxO set (inputs/outputs) of transactions.
Transaction Metadata Get metadata information (if any) for given transaction(s)
Transaction Metadata Labels Get a list of all transaction metalabels
Submit Transaction Submit an already serialized transaction to the network.
Transaction Status (Block Confirmations) Get the number of block confirmations for a given transaction hash list
Address Address Information Get address info - balance, associated stake address (if any) and UTxO set
Address Transactions Get the transaction hash list of input address array, optionally filtering after specified block height (inclusive)
Address Assets Get the list of all the assets (policy, name and quantity) for a given address
Transactions from payment credentials Get the transaction hash list of input payment credential array, optionally filtering after specified block height (inclusive)
Stake Account Account List Get a list of all accounts
Account Information Get the account info of any (payment or staking) address
Account UTxOs Get a list of all UTxOs for a given stake address (account)
Account Information (Cached) Get the cached account information for given stake addresses (accounts)
Account Rewards Get the full rewards history (including MIR) for a stake address, or certain epoch if specified
Account Updates Get the account updates (registration, deregistration, delegation and withdrawals)
Account Addresses Get all addresses associated with an account
Account Assets Get the native asset balance of an account
Account History Get the staking history of an account
Asset Asset List Get the list of all native assets (paginated)
Asset Addresses Get the list of all addresses holding a given asset
NFT Address Get the address where specified NFT currently reside on
Asset Information Get the information of an asset including first minting & token registry metadata
Asset Information (Bulk) Get the information of a list of assets including first minting & token registry metadata
Asset History Get the mint/burn history of an asset
Policy Asset Address List Get the list of addresses with quantity for each asset on the given policy.
Policy Asset Information Get the information for all assets under the same policy
Policy Asset List Get the list of asset under the given policy (including balances)
Asset Summary Get the summary of an asset (total transactions exclude minting/total wallets include only wallets with asset balance)
Asset Transactions Get the list of all asset transaction hashes (newest first)
Pool Pool List A list of all currently registered/retiring (not retired) pools
Pool Information Current pool statuses and details for a specified list of pool ids
Pool Stake Snapshot Returns Mark, Set and Go stake snapshots for the selected pool, useful for leaderlog calculation
Pool Delegators List Return information about live delegators for a given pool.
Pool Delegators History Return information about active delegators (incl. history) for a given pool and epoch number - current epoch if not provided.
Pool Blocks Return information about blocks minted by a given pool in current epoch (or _epoch_no if provided)
Pool Stake, Block and Reward History Return information about pool stake, block and reward history in a given epoch _epoch_no (or all epochs that pool existed for, in descending order if no _epoch_no was provided)
Pool Updates (History) Return all pool updates for all pools or only updates for specific pool if specified
Pool Relays A list of registered relays for all currently registered/retiring (not retired) pools
Pool Metadata Metadata (on & off-chain) for all currently registered/retiring (not retired) pools
Script Native Script List List of all existing native script hashes along with their creation transaction hashes
Plutus Script List List of all existing Plutus script hashes along with their creation transaction hashes
Script Redeemers List of all redeemers for a given script hash
Datum Information List of datum information for given datum hashes

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites

Start with cloning this repo on your local machine:

$ git clone https://github.com/adabox-aio/koios-typescript-client.git
$ cd koios-typescript-client

To install and set up the library, run:

$ npm i @adabox/koios-ts-client



import {BackendFactory} from "@adabox/koios-ts-client"

Get Koios Backend Service

  • Mainnet
const koiosBackendService = BackendFactory.getKoiosMainnetService()
  • Preview
const koiosBackendService = BackendFactory.getKoiosPreviewService()
  • Preprod
const koiosBackendService = BackendFactory.getKoiosPreprodService()

Get Koios Backend Services

const koiosNetworkService = koiosBackendService.getNetworkService()
const koiosEpochService = koiosBackendService.getEpochService()
const koiosBlockService = koiosBackendService.getBlockService()
const koiosTransactionsService = koiosBackendService.getTransactionsService()
const koiosAddressService = koiosBackendService.getAddressService()
const koiosAssetService = koiosBackendService.getAssetService()
const koiosPoolService = koiosBackendService.getPoolService()
const koiosScriptService = koiosBackendService.getScriptService()
const koiosAccountService = koiosBackendService.getAccountService()

Advanced Query Example (Preview)

Querying a Descending Order of All Address Transactions since Block No. #42248 to Block No. #69447 (inclusive), Limited to Maximum of 10 Results.

const addresses = [
const options = Options.builder()
    .option(Order.by("block_height", SortType.DESC))
    .option(Filter.of("block_height", FilterType.GTE, "42248"))
    .option(Filter.of("block_height", FilterType.LTE, "69447")).build();

const result = await koiosAddressService.getAddressTransactions(addresses, undefined, options)

Error Handling

Koios TypeScript Client throws 2 types of errors,KoiosHttpError and KoiosTimeoutError. Each of these errors is extended from the built-in Error class, allowing you to properly catch it and handle it in your code.

import {KoiosHttpError, KoiosTimeoutError} from "@adabox/koios-ts-client";

try {
  const result = await koiosTransactionsService.getTransactionInformation(["abc"])
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof KoiosHttpError || error instanceof KoiosTimeoutError) {
    console.log(error) // Koios Error
  } else {
      throw error // rethrow other errors

Supported Environment Variables

Variable Type Description Default
KOIOS_MAX_RETRIES integer Sets the max retry count upon request timeout 5
KOIOS_READ_TIMEOUT_SEC integer Sets the default read timeout for new connections (seconds) 300


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Add your changes: git add .
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  5. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  6. Submit a pull request 😎

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