
A quick tutorial on using the jupyter notebook for CSG users.

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A short tutorial on using the Jupyter notebook

This is a very brief introduction to the Jupyter notebook, mainly targeted at CSG users.

I've tried to keep this document up to date with contributions from others. If you have something you would like to add, please feel free to either email me directly, or simply fork this repo / make changes / submit a pull request.

Thank you to the following folks for their help in improving this tutorial:

  • Daniel Taliun
  • Lars Fritsche


Just do the usual:

git clone https://github.com/welchr/csg-jupyter-tutorial.git

Both the notebook .ipynb and an already-rendered output file .html are there for checking out.

Note that if you open the .ipynb file in github, some of it will render, but many things will not work quite right. Best to download and try it yourself.

Quick views of notebook output

Rendered output (including code cells)

Rendered output (no code cells)

Creating HTML from notebook

Use the build_html.sh script. You'll also need to copy the template files (.tpl extension, included in the repository) to the appropriate location, if you want to execute the second command in the script which generates HTML without code cells included.

See https://rawcdn.githack.com/welchr/csg-jupyter-tutorial/master/csg_jupyter_tutorial_nocode.html#Creating-reports-from-a-notebook for more info on where to place your template files.