
Basic concepts

  1. Summarization of UKB fields
  2. Summarization of available UKB baskets
  3. Data extraction from baskets with instances

Required R libraries

  • data.table
  • optparse
  • parallel
  • intervals
  • htmltab
  • methods
  • httr
  • readr
  • bitops

Step 1: Describe your data

Add the absolute paths (e.g. /driveA/UKB/ of your TAB-delimited UKB baskets to a single text file ./data/baskets.txt Add the latest file with withdrawn samples 'w#####_########.csv' to './data/' folder

Step 2: Collectin information about UKB fields

Rscript ./scripts/function.collectFields.r

Step 3: Summarize the available data and prepare data across baskets

Rscript ./scripts/function.summarizeAvailableData.r

Step 4: Extract field information and data and recode with instances:

Rscript ./scripts/function.extractUKBdata.r --help

Usage: ./scripts/function.extractUKBdata.r [options]

	-f FIELDS, --fields=FIELDS
		Fields to include, separated by commas [default: ]

	-d, --data_coding
		Enable data coding [default: FALSE]

	-o, --only_info
		Display only info [default: FALSE]

	-k, --keep_instances
		Keep instances in the output [default: FALSE]

	-r, --recode
		Recode variables [default: TRUE]

	-p PREFIX, --prefix=PREFIX
		Output file prefix. Leave empty for interactive session [default: ]

	-h, --help
		Show this help message and exit