
Error when import lazyflow

ravidziv opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to using ilastic tool. and therefore I installed lazyflow.
When i'm trying to use it it's raise an error -
"RuntimeError: Error importing drtile, please use cmake to compile lazyflow.drtil
e ! cannot import name drtile"

What can be the problem?


On what platform are you working? If you're on linux (or mac, I suppose), just go to lazyflow/lazyflow/drtile and run

cmake .

If you didn't install all dependencies (vigra etc.) yet you could take a look at the developer documentation here. Especially the buildem script could be useful.

I'm using windows 8, and I installed all the dependencies ...

What can I do to solve it?

Lazyflow contains a C++ extension named "drtile" that needs to be compiled before you can import lazyflow. Did you try to follow the instructions provided above by @burgerdev?

Finding the dependencies on Windows may be a bit more complicated than on Linux. The following should work:

  • Make sure that vigranumpy was installed properly. In particular, there should be a file VigranumpyConfig.cmake which contains configuration information for subsequent cmake calls. On Windows, this file usually resides in a directory lib/vigranumpy below your VIGRA installation.
  • Go to lazyflow/lazyflow/drtile and run cmake -G "generator" -DVigranumpy_DIR=directory/containing/VigranumpyConfig. Select the generator such that the same compiler is used as in the rest of your installation.
    cmake should generate a file drtile.sln.
  • Open drtile.sln in Visual Studio, switch to Release mode and build the project drtile.