
ERROR: testOpExportSlot.TestOpExportSlot.testBasic_Dvid

jakirkham opened this issue · 3 comments

This test is currently failing with an error. It appears internalOutput doesn't have a dtype in meta. Not sure how this could happen. As it is an error in testing DVID, maybe @stuarteberg has some insight. Traceback below.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/xopt_ilastik/local/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose-1.2.1-py2.7.egg/nose/", line 197, in runTest
  File "/xopt_ilastik/local/src/ilastik/lazyflow/tests/", line 144, in testBasic_Dvid
    opRead.FilePath.setValue( opExport.ExportPath.value )
  File "/xopt_ilastik/local/src/ilastik/lazyflow/lazyflow/", line 110, in call_in_setup_context
    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/xopt_ilastik/local/src/ilastik/lazyflow/lazyflow/", line 1134, in setValue
  File "/xopt_ilastik/local/src/ilastik/lazyflow/lazyflow/", line 1335, in _changed
  File "/xopt_ilastik/local/src/ilastik/lazyflow/lazyflow/", line 1349, in _configureOperator
  File "/xopt_ilastik/local/src/ilastik/lazyflow/lazyflow/", line 450, in _setupOutputs
  File "/xopt_ilastik/local/src/ilastik/lazyflow/lazyflow/operators/ioOperators/", line 157, in setupOutputs
    ram_per_pixel = self.internalOutput.meta.dtype().nbytes
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

The error appeared between these two commits in lazyflow ( 85312d8 ) and ( e5b5c36 ). Was using pydvid with commit ( janelia-flyem/pydvid@15ca567 ), which is the current master.

This bug was introduced via c832c82, now fixed via 1826e5d

Yep, that appears to fix it.